March 31st saw our first collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG). Leading two groups of children between the ages of 4 to 8, we managed to collect quite a lot of rubbish along a pre-planned route in Fanling.
The route itself was initially intended to be run by teenagers, and so there was some difficulty in running with such young children in an area where cars pass, however having discussed with the HKFYG coordinators, we are going to be more prepared for future events and will make sure there
are contingency plans for such a situation.
HKFYG Open Day
Image source:
We look forward to our future partnership with HKFYG and helping engage and empower the youth of Hong Kong to take care of their environment through their daily actions and in turn educate their peers!
Information from the HKFYG Leadership page:
香港青年協會一直致力為香港培育高質素的領袖人才,提供有系統及專業的領袖訓練。青協領袖學院已完成活化三級歷史建築 - 前粉嶺裁判法院,提供更專業、更優良的培訓設備,為培育更多優秀的學生領袖邁進一大步。我們誠邀各位於2019年3月31日聚首一堂,參與香港青年協會領袖學院開放日,與我們一起分享快樂時光。
當日節目非常豐富,包括文化導賞、新潮垃圾街跑、電影分享會、各類工作坊及講座。講者和嘉賓是來自各個界別的本地及環球領袖,例如: Tesla、聯合國難民署香港辦事處、港燈、One Young World等。歡迎大家填寫表格預留位置。名額有限,額滿即止。
The HKFYG aims to explore participants' leadership potential, enrich their personal knowledge and experience, as well as foster a sense of responsibility for their future contribution to society. The HKFYG Leadership Institute have completed the revitalisation of the Former Fanling Magistracy, a Grade 3 historic building, providing more professional and better training facilities for cultivating more outstanding student leaders. We sincerely invite all of you to join the activities of the Open Day of the HKFYG Leadership Institute on 31 March 2019 and share happy moment with us!
We organise various exciting activities, including cultural guided tours, plogging, movie screening sharing, workshops and talks. Guest speakers are local and global leaders from various fields, such as Tesla, UNHCR, HK Electric, One Young World etc. All are welcome to register online for reservations. The registration is on first-come-first-serve basis.