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Beach Cleanups


Hong Kong is home to over 250 islands, many of them uninhabited. This means a lot of coastline, including beaches. For centuries the city has been known as one of the major ports in Asia, however something other than ships is landing on Hong Kong’s beaches in the 21st century.


Plastic pollution is plaguing beaches across the world and Hong Kong is no different. Year after year our reliance on plastics is growing, as is the amount of waste winding up on our beautiful shores.


As well as this, a lack of understanding from some in society of the importance of waste management means that the problem persists and looks unlikely to go away any time soon. This does not mean we should give up though, as every small action can have a massive impact.


Every 1-2 months Green Hour hosts beach cleanup events across the city. Trying to target those more harder to reach beaches, we aim to make as big an impact as possible to help beautify our beaches, protect wildlife and educate the community of the importance of protecting our environment.

Join us for our upcoming Beach Cleanups

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